International Logistics Security (dot)
CTPAT Security for
Safe Transportation

Specializing in safe guarding the trade industry

Supply Chain Security Supplier

International Logistics Security is a Florida-based full-service supply chain security provider. Founded in 2002, we have been offering quality services around the world.

We are a team of professionals, providing adequate supply chain security that enables you to reduce cost and streamline efficiencies and safety. Homeland security and customs border protection initiatives are our specialization.

International Logistics Security
International Logistics Security

More than Just a Consultant

At International Logistics Security, the way we engage our business with the importer encourages us to become part of their staff and not just a consultant. We go in under contract and become an offsite or onsite employee. We pride ourselves in the long term relationship we have with our clients.

While assessing our clients, we manage supply chain risks in terms of sustainability aspects, such as environment, safety, financials, and more.

What Makes Us the Best

  • We are a full-service supply chain security provider.

  • We can place employees in your business, or they can work remotely.

  • We are homeland security certified.

  • We have more than 50 years of industry experience.